You deserve to be taken care of. 


When you sign up for a retreat, you are signing up for more than a few yoga classes and an opportunity to meet some new, likeminded people.  You are also signing up for someone to take care of all the details, prep work, and decisions for a few days.  You just show up, and enjoy!



When all your needs are met, you can really listen.


When the day-to-day stress of work, family, and community responsibilities are lifted, you are able to tune in to the deep voice within that knows the next best steps on your path.  That deep voice wants to be heard, and by quieting the constant noise around you, its voice can shine.



A break from constant ‘responsibility’ is not a privilege that you earn.


As a culture, we have made it our norm to be overwhelmed, overworked, and stretched too thin.  I deeply believe this is not healthy, and by doing so we are dampening out connection to Source.  You don’t need to do anything to deserve some downtime, a break, or vacation.  Just being you makes you worthy!


Giving yourself a few days to unwind will bring benefits for months to come.


Times where you tune into your intuition, quiet your mind and go deep can guide your decision making for months to come.  Leading your life from a space of peace, centeredness and purpose benefits all areas of your life



And lastly- 2020 has been NUTSO and you need to INTEGRATE!


This year has called on every one of us to examine our priorities, do uncomfortable things, confront demons, make huge changes, address buried emotion, change deep-seeded beliefs, and decide if we will turn towards or away from the light.  And it’s not over yet!
All of this unimaginable stress requires integration if we are to move ahead in a positive direction.
If you are feeling irritable, exhausted, or very emotional, you likely need to take some time alone to integrate your recent experiences.  Make space, however you can, to process what has happened and mentally set the tone for the coming months.  Movement, journaling, walking, meditation and spending time outdoors are all good ways to integrate.



I urge you to find a retreat that fits your budget, travel restrictions, and schedule.  You deserve it!