If you struggle to meditate because you can’t shut off your mind, stop thinking (Hint: much of the time meditation is just that: getting all the thinks out) or sit still– this magic combo is for you.

Heart Rate Increasing Exercise First,  Meditation Next


I started meditating in this way in the midst of small kids, busy days, sleepless nights and seasons of low self-esteem and self-worth.  I discovered that doubling up on my self-care checked 2 very essential boxes for me:  moving my body + quieting my mind.


During a time of little time alone and even less focus on myself, the exercise (steady-state cardio in particular) plus mindful meditation mix was unbelievably valuable to my physical, emotional and mental health.


So next time you carve out time for a workout, add on 20 minutes of meditation at the end.  You’ll be amazed at the ease with which you can settle your mind after your body has a chance to move its energy.


This works for 3 reasons:

1.  The exercise naturally becomes the first phase of your meditation. 

Oftentimes, I spend the first 5, 10, 30 minutes of a meditation literally thinking my face off. 

Such silly little things pop up: what’s for lunch?  Are there tweezers in my makeup bag?  Am I brushing my teeth right?  This stuff is the MUCK that is in the way of you connecting to your higher self. 

If you’re anything like me, efficiency is key, and by working though that initial thought-bomb of a meditation while doing something else productive is one of the most satisfying things ever. 

After I finish exercising, I stretch for a moment, and plop myself down and the quietness is just, so much closer.  And for real, I do love that quiet.

2.  Energy Becomes  Balanced

It’s really challenging to have a calm mind without having a calm body.  Our bodies were made to move, and when we trying to calm our minds after a long day sitting in an office chair, it’s nearly impossible to sit still.  The balance is off. 

In Chinese Medicine, that build up of energy is called Qi Stagnation, and the quickest way to resolve stagnation is through movement. 

Enter: moderate. intense cardiovascular exercise.  

By giving the energy in your body an outlet, it beomes significantly easier and more natural for the mind to then quiet.  

3. When your energy is fluid and free, so is your intuition. 

When I meditate after exercising vs other times, the downloads I get are immediate, clear and exciting. 

The haze of worry, fear, overthinking, and irritation are gone, and you may find myself entering into a beautiful, positive headspace (Ya for endorphins!) moving the mind out of worrying and into creativity, trust and hope.

Some of my best ideas and plans came out of a post-run meditation session!


I urge you to give this a try with your next workout!